Information: 1) ESXi-6.5.0-20200604001-standard-customized.iso is ISO file customized for PC Engine APU4C4. 2) I have also tested it on APU2C4 (another APU board that I have successfully.) Ready to use ISO : How it was prepared? By loading net-igb and by removing vmkusb from ESXi-6.5.0-20200604001-standard build released by VMWare on June 4th 2020. How can you prepare this ISO yourself? 1) Install VMware.PowerCLI by executing following command on Powershell opened as Admin. PS> Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI 2) ESX Customizer Powershell script: Download following power shell script to directory where you want to compile ESXi 6.5 image. In my case, I have downloaded it to C:\67 directory. Tutorial: # 3) To work around calls to VMWare online depot, execute following command. PS C:\67>[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Ssl3 4) Execute script to generate above mentioned ISO. PS C:\67>.\ESXi-Customizer-PS.ps1 -v65 -vft -nsc -load net-igb -remove vmkusb -log C:\67\ISO\ESXi-Customizer-PS.log -outDir C:\67\ISO Explanation: 1) ".\ESXi-Customizer-PS.ps1" to execute powershell script. 2) "-v65" argument to let script know that we are prepareing ESX 6.5 iso image. 3) "-vft" argument to connect V-Front Online depot from where net-igb driver will be downloaded. net-igb driver is what we need so that installer will onboard NIC. 4) "-nsc" argument to use -NoSignatureCheck with iso export. This is optional. I do not like compile time error/warrning because I am using net-igb driver which is community supported driver. 5) "-load net-igb" argument to load net-igb driver to build custom image profile for PCEngine APU boards. 6) "-remove vmkusb" is to remove loading of vmkusb driver. This is main reason why USB stick is not recognized when ESX installer boots. 7) "-log C:\67\ISO\ESXi-Customizer-PS.log" argument to use said path for logging. 8) "-outDir C:\67\ISO" argument to save ISO file. How can I install ESXi-6.5 using above ISO? 1) Using Rufus create bootable USB from ISO created above. 2) When you boot using bootable USB created using above ISO, press [Tab] on boot menu to edit "ESXi-6.55.0-20200604001-standard-customized Installer" option. you will be presented with following. > mboot.c32 -c boot.cfg Apend following line to set required kernel parameters to run installer in text mode and hit enter at the end. kernelopt=text nofb com1_baud=11520 mboot.c32 -c boot.cfg kernelopt=text nofb com1_baud=115200 com1_Port=0x3f8 tty2Port=com1 gdbPort=none logPort=none ignoreHeadless=TRUE Here is sample run. ##################################################################################################################################################### SeaBIOS (version rel- Press F10 key now for boot menu SYSLINUX 4.07 EDD 2013-07-25 Copyright (C) 1994-2013 H. Peter Anvin et al ESXi-6.5.0-20200604001-standard-customized Boot Menu ESXi-6.55.0-20200604001-standard-customized Installer Boot from local disk Press [Tab] to edit options Automatic boot in 8 seconds ESXi-6.5.0-20200604001-standard-customized Installer > mboot.c32 -c boot.cfg kernelopt=text nofb com1_baud=11520 mboot.c32 -c boot.cfg kernelopt=text nofb com1_baud=115200 com1_Port=0x3f8 tty2Port=com1 gdbPort=none logPort=none ignoreHeadless=TRUE ##################################################################################################################################################### 3) After install, we need to restore required kernel parameters in boot.cfg file. Before edit it reads following. kernelopt=installerDiskDumpSlotSize=2560 no-auto-partition After adding kernel parameter it should read, following. In short, you are adding above mentioned parameter right after kernelopt=. kernelopt=text nofb com1_baud=115200 com1_Port=0x3f8 tty2Port=com1 gdbPort=none logPort=none ignoreHeadless=TRUE installerDiskDumpSlotSize=2560 no-auto-partition 4) Safely eject USB stick and re-insert it to APU4C4 and it should boot normally. Finally: 1) Given, I have spent enough time on this, I would be happy to assist you in case of any issues during your ESX APU build. 2) Feel freel to drop me an email at 3) If time allows, I would be creating youtube video to explain entire process and make it little bit easy for everyone to follow instructions.