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OrCAD™ SDT Schematic capture tools
Summary Despite all later "advances", OrCAD SDT is still a very productive design environment if you add a few tools.
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Win32 download (beta - use at your own risk)
  • Keyboard macros slash the number of keystrokes and mouse clicks required to create and edit drawings.
  • Page ties (intersheet references) make it easier to follow signals across multiple schematic pages, without being as cumbersome as hierarchical drawings:
  • Bulk title block updates.
  • Improved Laserjet printer drivers.
  • PCX bitmap conversion.
  • A streamlined symbol definition format saves endless drudgery in the definition of high pin count symbols.

The page tie generator and title block update are designed for SDT 4.x, but instructions for SDT/386+ are included.

PDF output To generate PDF files, print to HP Laserjet format, then use PCL2PDF by Visual Software to convert to PDF.
SDT file format Reverse-engineered OrCAD SDT schematic file format
Package for distribution
  • Use the LIBARCH utility to archive all library parts used in your design into a text file:
    Decomposed SDT/386+ libraries may not be compatible with the SDT 4.x COMPOSER utility, use COMP16 instead.
  • If using SDT/386+, I recommend that you use the 32TO16 utility to convert the schematics to 16 bit format.
  • Never name schematics with identically prefixed names such as XXX.1, XXX.2 etc. Use XXX.SCH, 2.SCH, 3.SCH etc. instead.
  • Consider including a HP Laserjet print file - they compress very nicely.
Trademarks OrCAD SDT is a trademark of Cadence Design Systems.
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